Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is one of the most exciting days of the year for kids. While the little superheroes and vampires you’ll spot running from door to door are harmless, there are a few potential hazards to watch out for. Here are some safety tips to make sure your family has the best time trick-or-treating this year, whether you live in a house or rent an apartment or townhome!


Tip #1: It’s always best to prepare for cold weather. Especially living in Canada, we can all relate to the sporadic weather changes. Some parents even go as far as dressing their kids in snowsuits and wings! Make sure to bundle your kids up, so they are not running home too early.

Tip #2: “Walk on well-lit streets and avoid alleys or dark areas such as parks.” says Cst. Peter Van Ry from the Edmonton Police.  This is especially important for young children as they can be harder to see for motorists. To help, you can put reflective tape on the front and back of your child's costume. Face paint is also a great alternative.

Tip #3: “Trick or treat on one side of the street then cross at a crosswalk or corner, then go down the other side,” adds Cst. Van Ry.  “Avoid running back and forth across the road as much as possible.” By doing this, you minimize the chances of an accident.


Homeowners and Renters

Tip #1: Turn on the outside lights of your house or townhome, so people know that you are giving out candy. If you are not home - it is always nice to leave a bag of candy out with a pleasant note for kids to only take one!


Tip #2: Nowadays, there are a ton of food allergies, and the last thing you want to do is to have to take a trip to the hospital! Make sure your treats are peanut-free, as peanuts are one of the most common food allergies. Food Allergy Canada has posters available to hang-up on your door to inform trick-or-treaters: https://foodallergycanada.ca/campaign/shineateallight-on-food-allergy-this-halloween/free-resources/.

Tip #3: Make-sure your walkway is clear of leaves and debris, so there is less chance for kids to trip walking up to your doorway. Also, do not light your pathway to your house with candles. Although it may look nice and spooky, flashlights or LED candles are a much safer alternative.  

Other Tips

If trick-or-treating outside is not an option for your family, there are plenty of other safe alternatives. These days, malls and shopping centres offer store trick-or-treating, which is more controlled and definitely warmer. You can also host a Halloween party with snacks and movies. Boardwalk even has party rooms in some of its apartments and townhomes that are available for Residents to book.

For more Halloween safety tips and tricks from the experts, visit: www.calgary.ca/cps/Pages/Community-programs-and-resources/Crime-prevention/Halloween-safety.aspx